Part 86: Dight NPC Chatter 8
Welcome back!
The dinner in the Lama Mountains advances the plot flags, meaning that everyone in Dight has something new to say again.
Fun fun.

: Yeah, well I just came back for a bit. I'll be leaving real soon.

: Yeah. Best way to train is often. There's no excuse for laziness.

: I can go fishing now after so long! Without fishing, I've had no money for food lately.

: Wow! That's a big catch!

: Of course it is! Don't you know, I'm the greatest fisherman in all of Dight!

: In an instant, Dight is a happy place again. Since you folks have arrived, Dight's health has been restored. I had never imagined that out there in the world there are people like you. Your home must be a lovely place, eh? Maybe even as lovely as Dight?! So we must make Dight even lovelier! We have to hang in there till the end.

: But now I can start harpooning at sea again, just like before! It's a dream come true!

: You uh... you won't get lost on the way or anything, will you? The Twin Towers are south of Dight. I mean... I guess you'd know that already. Be careful and come back safely! Bye, Gadwin!
Gotta love the days when games had to have NPCs that reminded you of your current goal in case you forgot.

: We're still not catching much fish yet, but the catch should be back to normal before long. At one point, I wondered what was to become of us, but now, thanks to you....

: I'll bet your home town is a beautiful place. I'd like to go there sometime.

: Well, it's a long way from here.

: But then again, I made it here, right? So you should be able to get to Parm!

: Parm... Parm! Even the name gets me all excited!

: Before the rains came, I got tired of him always talking about fishing. That's what I thought then. But lately, I've been thinking how happy I'd be if only he'd become his old cheerful self again. ♥ I guess men are more attractive when they've got something to live for.

: We would like you to accept this in the hope that it might help you in some way to overcome the various difficulties that lie ahead during your travels.
And for that, we get a free First Aid Kit. I'm not complaining.

: We'll always cherish the great service bestowed upon us by the Hero Justin. Many generations will hear of it.

: We're going to be out of oil soon. You know the ship is not safe unless we keep it coated with dragon oil.

: Sorry... please wait a little more. I'd like to see how these kids do for just a while longer. Later, I'll send you the oil that I've got stored away.

: Oh, it's our hero, Justin! What beautiful weather-- thanks to the Spirits. The spear you brought back is glimmering atop the Dragon's Nest. Since you returned the spear there, it has become a truly sacred place. When we go out fishing, we feel we're being protected by the spear. Today's fishing was nice and safe too.

: Dight has an old tale about that. Would you like to hear it?

No, not now.

: Is that right? Well, next time, then. Come back when you want to hear more. I'll tell you more, whenever you like.
Pfft, fuck it, we're made of free time. Tell us a story, story man.

: Long ago, when the world was new, people and whales were good friends. Both species lived on land then. But then a famine occurred. The fish, the animals, even the flying dragons started dying off mysteriously. The gods took pity and gave the whales and people a choice. They asked: Which do you want to eat? The food of the sea, the land, or the sky? Which kind of food will fill your stomachs?
And then the people said "fuck you" and invented pizza, right?
Human greed is kind of a Thing in this game's legends and myths.

: At that, the gods became angry. The gods decided that people could eat food from the sea, land, and sky, but they would have to work to get it. As for the whales, they can eat only food from the sea, but the food just swims right into their mouths! So people have an appetite for food. And the strength to work for it. It is what the gods have intended.
That... that sure was important.

: So we're still eating a lot of fruit and dried food, but we're gradually getting more fish. I guess it'll take a while longer before Dight will be like it used to be. At least it appears we will be able to live once again as we had before. We're very grateful to you for that.

: I guess the gloominess wasn't just because of the toxic rain. It was also because we couldn't fish. How odd! ♪

: For the men of Dight, fishing is simply part of life! I really understand how they feel.

: Well, whatever. It doesn't matter. Let's celebrate! Everyone's happy now!

: Yeah. A man's gotta aim high. My pap taught me that. It was the best advice, the only advice, I got.

: Ha ha ha! Your father was a very strict teacher! If anyone can stick to that advice, it's you. You're a big shot now. You don't need to train so much now. Then again, training is what makes Gadwin, Gadwin.

: Hey, it's our hero Justin! Did you hear? Huh? Rain has started falling again!

: What? You're kidding!?

: No, it's true! But it's not poisonous rain this time. It's a cool, refreshing kind of rain! I got to play with the rain! Man, that was so much fun! I sure hope it rains again! ♪

: Any my parents even told me "You're going to be a great fisherman".

: Right. To become a man, you need to catch somethin' big. Maybe you should go after a whale next.

: Now that's a little too much!

: If I catch a whale, then I'll become a "great fisherman"? Huh? Then I'm gonna catch one!

: Isn't that enough now, Gadwin? Look. The poor boy is serious.

: Hmm... maybe a whale's too much. How about catching a shark?

: Whoa! You did it again!

: Know what? WHen I grow up, I'm going to be a "great fisherman"!

: But... I'm afraid I really can't remember very well what the Village of Dight was like before the rain. Hmm... I guess all the ruckus with the rain left too deep an impression. Now I can't remember the old Dight.
Yeah, nothing in particular stood out this time. Hopefully we'll have better luck with the interiors.

: some of our ancestors were born with dragon wings on their backs.

: Wow, really? With wings on their backs, they must've been like the Icarians.

: Maybe so, I don't know. Anyway, it is our belief that we are descended from dragons.
Clearly Dr. Alma has snapped under the stress.

: Hey, what's all the merriment about?

: Oh...? I wonder if you'd understand... You see, that boy who had come in sick, he was running all around here. In fact, all who were sick due to the toxic rain are better now. At times like this, it's nice to be a doctor. For me, it means time to relax. For the Dragon Folk, it means health. It's so nice to have some free time!

: After such a long time with no work because of that poisonous rain, now there's work! Yippee!

: Ha ha ha. This guy loves his work!

: I've got you to thank for all of the boat repair work that's been coming in. Thank you!

: In fact, we're catching some types of fish that've never been seen here. And those new ones are delicious! Listen, we're gonna send some of the fish we caught on over to your inn. We'll fix up a feast for everyone! The fishing's never been so good. Ya know, we've got the Heroes of Dight and the Spirits to thank for all this!

: What's the matter, old man? What's this about people being hurt?

: We hadn't been fishing in so long that many of us overdid it and hurt our backs when we started up again. Oh, well, Dr. Alma is here in the village, so I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.

: Justin, please listen. Fish have begun to return to the sea. We won't catch much fish at first, but soon we'll have loads of fish. We'll hold a feast when you come back.

: Puff! Puuufff!

: Ha ha ha! Don't worry, Puffy, you'll get plenty to eat, too!

: Yeah, well, there's something I'd like to ask you. Please explain why you're the "People of the Flying Dragon".

: Oh, you didn't know that already? OK, I'll explain it to you right now. Are you ready for a long explanation?
Thankfully, after he warns you, you are given the chance to run the fuck away like any sane person should.
... Still here? All right, let's do this.

: According to an old legend of Dight, we all used to be flying dragons. We soared through the sky and led very prosperous lives up there. But eventually, there were just too many creatures living in the sky.

: You mean, like, there were too many of you even for the sky?

: No, no. The sky's too big for that. It was because there weren't enough trees to rest on between flying. Since they can't rest themselves, the weaker dragons started losing all their strength and fell from the sky. In his grief, the chief of a family of dragons thought that he could help many others by sacrificing himself. So he spread his huge body out flat and fell to the ground.

: But it wasn't enough. Other dragons fell on top of the chief and each time one did, a piercing cry arose from the chief's body. This "cry from the chief" reached even the Spirits. Then, suddenly, something very strange happened. The dragons who had fallen onto the chief took human form so they could live on land.

: With their new bodies, the ex-dragons built a village around the chief's body. New trees sprung up for use in building. They named the village Dight, after their great chief. And the chief's body is still here. We People of the Flying Dragon and the Spirits protect this village in honor of the great dragon Dight.

: It's why we're called People of the Flying Dragon. And proud of it, too!
That bit about Dight's body still being there in Dight?
They used his spine as the main pathway through the village. And that's pretty nifty.